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The Seven Sacraments 

Dcn. Nicholas Whalen is the Coordinator of Sacramental Preparation for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation (Confession), First Holy Communion, and Confirmation.

For information about these Sacraments in our parish, email Dcn. Nicholas Whalen at


Please contact the parish office to make arrangements for the reception of all other Sacraments.

Email: or

Phone:  613-389-3532

The Sacraments have been instituted as a special means through which we are to receive the grace merited for us by Christ. [Baltimore Catechism]


In the sacraments, we meet Christ and He gives us SANCTIFYING GRACE. 


Sanctifying grace is a free gift of God which allows us to become children of God, to share in the divine nature, and to inherit eternal life.

The Sacraments are divided into three categories:






Holy Orders




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